
woensdag 15 december 2010

Tussenstand gewicht

Het laatste nieuwe over mijn gewicht

zondag 12 december 2010

Create the cheat solution in MonoDevelop

1. Create a new solution in MonoDevelop

2. Add project to the solution

3. Add project header and source files

4. Publish the solution on the SVN repository

5. Add the C++ projects

6. Add header and source files to the C++ projects

7. Commit the newly added projects

zaterdag 11 december 2010

MonoDevelop 2.4 install on Ubuntu 10.04

1. Followed instructions on Badgerports

2. Removed version MonoDevelop 2.2 from Ubuntu

3. Installed MonoDevelop (+ plugins) from the software center

4. Look version 2.4 in Ubuntu 10.04!

5. Registered a new Subversion repository in MonoDevelop

maandag 6 december 2010

Subversion checkout using RabbitCVS

Installed the latest verion of RabbitSVN. Followed instructions on

Added repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rabbitvcs/ppa

Updated source list
sudo apt-get update

Installed RabbitVCS
sudo apt-get install rabbitvcs-core

Installed RabbitVCS plugins
sudo apt-get install rabbitvcs-nautilus rabbitvcs-thunar rabbitvcs-gedit rabbitvcs-cli

Checked out code

donderdag 4 november 2010

Restore Subversion repository

Followed instructions on ArchLinux

Logged on to previous install

Dumped the repository: svnadmin dump /var/svn > /tmp/svnrepo.dump

Logged on to Ubuntu server 10.10 install

mounted partition containing the previous install: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/temp

Dumped the repository: sudo svnadmin load /var/svn < /mnt/temp/tmp/svnrepo.dump

Change added group and changed permissions:
sudo groupadd svnusers
sudo usermod -a -G svnusers www-data
sudo usermod -a -G svnusers hans
sudo chown -R www-data:svnusers /var/svn
sudo chmod -R g+w /var/svn/db/

BubbleBoy install Subversion with Web access

Followed instructions on

Install the software: sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn

Create a repository: sudo svnadmin create /var/svn

Edit the configuration file: sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf

Uncomment the opening and closing Location tag
Uncomment the line DAV /svn
Set the correct path to the repository SVNPath /var/svn
Enable Basic Athentication uncomment AuthType, AuthName, AuthUserFile

Create the authentication file: sudo htpasswd -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd [username]

Restart Apache server: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

I was able to access the Subversion repository on BubbleBoy

dinsdag 2 november 2010

Add content to BubbleBoy

Mount previous install on /mnt/temp: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/temp

Copy content across
First created archive directory: sudo mkdir /var/www/archive
Copied a directory structure: sudo cp -rv /mnt/temp/var/www/dev /var/www/archive
Copied the index file: sudo cp /mnt/temp/var/www/index.html /var/www

Installed vim: sudo apt-get install vim

Used vim to change paths mentioned in the index file

maandag 1 november 2010

BubbleBoy add Apache

Executed: sudo apt-get install apache2

Worked like a charm, was able to access the server:

Error message on deamon start-up: "Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified ..."

Added servername to server configuration file
sudo vi /etc/apache2/http.conf
Added line: ServerName

Restart server: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

zondag 31 oktober 2010

BubbleBoy to Ubuntu 10.10

Today started with new configuration of BubbleBoy

I will upgrade BubbleBoy to Ubuntu 10.10

Started with the download of the software

Can't really miss the big orange button, can you?

Burned the ISO (ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64) to a CD using Nero

Used secure shell to log on to existing install: ssh [user]@[ip address]

Stopped BubbleBoy: sudo shutdown -r now

Booted BubbleBoy from the Ubuntu 10.10 server CD

Performed install of Ubuntu 10.10 on /dev/sda1 (install incl openSSH)

/dev/sda5 still contains a working install of Ubuntu 9.10 desktop
/dev/sda6 still contains a working install of Ubuntu 9.10 server

Configured a fixed IP address
Edited the interfaces configuration file: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Restarted the networking services: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

zondag 24 oktober 2010

Google finance

Test met Google Finance chart

Curious how this will look

zondag 29 augustus 2010

Test using Google Docs

Did a test today to find out if it's possible to publish the progress I'm making in regard to my weight goals as recorded in Google Docs